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About WVA


We are so glad you are interested in the K-8 Watauga Virtual Academy for the 2022-2023 school year.  The WVA is intended as an opportunity for us to serve families who wish to receive the outstanding education that Watauga County Public Schools can provide but with greater flexibility in delivery. Please note that we expect that if you are choosing WVA that you plan to remain enrolled with us for the year. Below we have shared some highlights of the WVA schedule but parents and students will get in-depth information at our parent orientation in August.

  •  MONDAY, TUESDAY and THURSDAY are synchronous days of instruction each week.Students will need to be logged in and actively participating in direct instruction with their teacher for a good portion of the day. Our direct instruction will begin at 8:45 on each synchronous day. 
  • We will offer content classes but no exploratories, electives or specials (music, art, PE etc..)
  • WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY  will be asynchronous, meaning you and your child will set your schedule for that day so long as you are completing ALL the assignments for that day. There will be instances where a student or group of students will be required to attend a session on Wednesdays for academic support or AIG services.These are also the days that students who are part of the EC program will get their support services from their case manager.
  • We will also plan opportunities for students to come to a physical site to participate in additional experiences to support their learning and to help them avoid feeling "isolated". These might be science labs that they can come and do with a teacher, a meeting at the park for related lessons, or coming for an in-person small reading group. These activities will be optional and no children will be penalized if they do not participate. These will almost always be scheduled on Fridays.
  • At this time we will follow the same calendar as the other K-8 schools in Watauga County in terms of holidays, parent conference and scheduled early release etc...
  • Parents will need to pick up and return materials for their children on Thursday evening, or during the day on Fridays at Watauga High School at the side bus entrance. More info will be shared at our Parent Orientation in August. 
  • Students enrolled with us in the WVA are eligible to participate in sports or clubs at the school in the district they are domiciled within.
  • SEESAW is our Learning Management System Platform for K-2 students in 3rd through 8th grade will use CANVAS.
  • Parents will need to ensure that students have access to internet service that allows for downloads, uploads, videos and google meets.
  • We will be working hard to develop the skills of self-advocacy, time management and digital citizenship in the students we serve. However, it will be necessary for families to have a plan for instructional support at home in order to maximize the effectiveness of this model. 
  •  WVA Behavior Matrix

 I am honored to serve as the Director/Principal of WVA this year. We have an outstanding staff assigned solely to WVA, ready to work with you and your child to create a positive and productive school experience. I encourage you to reach out to me with any other questions you might have.


Kelly Walker

 WVA Director
